Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Elk flexes his mental muscles!

With a bye week scheduled for kickball and then a rain-out to boot, The Golden Elk decided to test his brain at Binga's Stadium for there Stump Trivia.

Elkie checks the menu.

Elkie checks the score sheet. Wouldn't want any "Little Bigfoot" or "Sweet Valentine" issues. 

The Golden Elk would like you to know that his team "Boats and Ho's" won first place and $40 in Binga's Bucks. They only missed three questions all night. Not bad. So far every team he's been a part of has come in first. His bowling team two weeks in a row, the kickball team and the trivia team. Is he lucky or are his friends just that good? 

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Apples for Elk

The Elk got up bright and early this morning for a trip to Rowe Orchards to buy a few apples and visit some friends. In a quick change of plans, the Elk ended up spending the whole day at an event for the families of the National Guard Unit 1136. After helping out, the Elk got to see the sights.

Elk checks out the displays in front of the orchard. Can you find him? 

There he is! 

Elk is very brave and climbs on a bear to pose for a picture. He wasn't worried because the Bear already had his mouth full. 

Elk jumps into a bin of beautiful apples. 

There sure were a lot of apples out there! 

A Golden Elk in a Pear Tree! Soon to be a holiday favorite for sure.

Elk also tried his hoof at apple picking. 

On the way out of the Orchard Elk spotted an old cemetery and had a look. 

After a long day of apples and fresh air, Elk tucks in for the ride home. 

What will the Elk get up to next?

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Elk Goes North

Before his journey north, The Golden Elk takes an evening to enjoy drinks with friends at Snug. He was even recognized by the bartender! Well, almost. . . She said, 'hey, is that a bronze elk?' Pretty close. Maybe Golden Elk has a cousin! 

The Elk struts his stuff in a booth at Snug. 

The Elk tries to find his way out of the beer forest. 

The Elk investigates one of the drinks a little closer. 

Perhaps a little too close. . . time to go home.

Elk finds himself in Newport, he opts for coleslaw at Anglers

Sorry for the lack of photos from Elk tries Kickball. He had such a good time winning 18-2 that he didn't have time to pose for photos. There's plenty of time left for Elk kickball pictures. Have no fear.  Tomorrow the Elk is going to visit the orchard for some apples and then try his hoof at baking!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

That Elk is a busy boy!

As promised, here are the shots of everyone's favorite Elk at Saturday's shindig and the following brunch

Elk gets some lovin'. 

Elk snuggles in his favorite pink hat by the fire.

Nothing is too private for the Elk.

Elk peruses the menu.

After an eventful weekend, Elk continues his fun by checking out Bayside Bowl and the new Portsports bowling league!

Elk checks the draft list

Ayda and the Elk, mascots of the team Free Bowling!

Elk likes the pretty colors but thinks Candlepin might be more his size.

Here's why...
To celebrate the Elk's team's big win, he goes out for a beverage at Novare Res

The Elk pretends that he is close to getting his Chalice, but really, he's not a big drinker. He's plastic. 

Stay tuned for more Elk Adventures when Elk tries Kickball!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Sunday Afternoon with the Elk

While the Elk was busy day on Saturday and Sunday Morning (stay tuned for photos from this time), he was able to take a little time to relax on Sunday afternoon and enjoy football with friends. He would have, however, enjoyed it more though if the Patriots had won.
The Elk wishes he could catch with one hand like Randy Moss, but he has no thumbs. 

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Once Upon A Time. . .

A not so long time ago there was a young man who just wanted to take a nap. Following an eventful weekend full of camping, canoeing and plenty of assorted debauchery with a large group of friends, our hero decides to retire to his tent to catch a few Z's before dinner. When the burgers and hot dogs hit the grill, a thoughtful friend decided to inform said hero of the food time line. The scene played out a little something like this:

Sara: (Knocking on tent wall) Hey. Hey!
Chris: (Murmuring) Whaaa?
Sara: Dinner in 10 minutes.
Chris: (Sleepily) What?
Sara: Are you awake?
Chris: I'm not naked!
Sara: Okay, good to know. Are you going to come to dinner? Food will be ready in 10 minutes.
Chris: What about the elk?
Sara: We're not having elk, we're having burgers and dogs.
Chris: No, the Elk.
Sara: What are you talking about?
Chris: I have to catch The Golden Elk.
Sara: Uh, does that mean you won't be coming to dinner?
Chris: I have to find the Elk.
Sara: Do you want me to come back in a little bit?
Chris: No, thank you.
(End Scene)

Shortly after this conversation of one sided unconsciousness the news of The Golden Elk spread, first to the campfire, then to the surrounding areas. Now it is time to spread the news of The Golden Elk to the world. On 9/18/10, Chris completed his quest to find The Golden Elk.  In actuality, The Golden Elk found him, in the form of a gift for his birthday. In this blog you will be able to follow the adventures of the The Golden Elk and his friends!

The Majestic Golden Elk

An Elk and His Master

Elk goes on his first adventure, fireside chatting at Justin and Lindsay's!